ChatGPT crashes, spikes interest in Google Gemini

ChatGPT crashes, spikes interest in Google Gemini

ChatGPT platform crashed, users' search rate for the terms Google Gemini and Microsoft Copilot on the internet suddenly increased by more than 50 per cent.  

The trend of productive AI, which has been booming for the last 2 years, seems to have developed an addiction in users. The ChatGPT website and mobile application, which was deactivated the previous day, directed users to alternatives.

Google Gemini is in favour

According to the data obtained, while Gemini term searches hovered around 205 thousand on a normal day, it jumped to 327 thousand daily after the ChatGPT platform crashed. In addition, searches such as ChatGPT down or ChatGPT crashed also peaked.

Google Gemini comes as the first alternative after ChatGPT on the user side. The second alternative is Microsoft Copilot. Microsoft Copilot, which has a daily average search volume of 11000, reached 16677 search volume on the day of the crash. Again, the term ChatGPT Alternative jumped from 898 to 11 thousand.

Similar to the competition we witness in the social media sector is also experienced in the field of productive artificial intelligence. In other words, when a player crashes, users immediately turn to other alternative players. In this respect, being the first choice or alternative is very important.


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