Answer from Elon Musk to Russia!

Answer from Elon Musk to Russia!

While the tension between Russia and Ukraine continued, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk came to the agenda again with his statements. As it is known, at the United Nations session held last week, Russia described Elon Musk's Starlink service as a threat and stated that the satellites could be the target. Now, Elon Musk has made striking statements to Business Insider.

'We can send satellites faster than missiles'

Emphasizing the tension between Russia and Ukraine in his statements, Elon Musk stated that this kind of war is no longer fashionable, and said, "If you try to eliminate Starlink, it is not easy because there are 2000 satellites". Also saying that such a threat would result in a large number of anti-satellite missiles, the famous billionaire said, "I think we can launch Starlink satellites faster than they can launch anti-satellite missiles. With the new statements, the tension between Russia and Elon Musk seems to increase even more. Also, it's not just Russia that qualifies SpaceX as a threat. In an article shared by researchers affiliated with the Chinese government last May, it was emphasized that the country should develop methods to destroy satellites that bring hidden dangers.



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